Information Security and Data Protection Policy (GDPR)

Greenman Environmental Management Ltd is committed to being compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. GEM recognise the definitions listed below of slavery and work to a practise of preventing slavery or modern trafficking in all our business activities. • “slavery” is where ownership is held over a person • “servitude “ involves any coercion over a person to provide services • “ forced or compulsory labour” is when a person works or provides some type of service on a non – voluntary basis where there is the threat of punishment or penalty • “human trafficking “ involves facilitating or arranging travel for someone with a view to exploiting them in some way GEM encourage all employees to report any concerns over potential slavery or human trafficking GEM only employ people who have permission to work in the UK GEM endeavour to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain through senior management vetting of our approved suppliers. Date: 30th May 2023 Issue: 4 Authorised: G. Rowlands

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If you have any further questions or want to enquire about future work, feel free to contact us on our office number or email.